Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Midnight at Monument Valley

One of the reasons that I tend to be fairly productive is that I try to make the best use of my studio space and time by working in assembly line fashion.

I am just now finishing up a group of quilt tops that were waiting around for quilting and binding. I have been using quite a lot of painted fabric in my recent series of quilts and painting takes up a lot of horizontal space. I like to dry things flat, so all my tables will be covered with fabric pieces in various stages of progress for a week or so. Then, when a group of pieces are painted, I will shift to design phase with piecing and.or fusing. And I will do several pieces simultaneously. I find I am happiest when I am doing several rather different designs at once. I can be problem solving for one while I am doing mindless piecing on another, etc.

Once I have several quilt tops designed, I will use my work table again for layering and pinning quilts, etc.

I can't really explain why, but I have been working quite a bit with landscapes recently. Not really my strong suit, but it is a good way for me to work on my skills and techniques. So far, the landscapes are also the pieces that seem to sell in the local galleries. Makes sense. People come to this area for the scenery and they want to take something home with them that reminds them of their trip.

Today I finished the quilting on the Monument Valley piece and am looking forward to painting some of the designs I have been thinking about during the intensive quilting and binding phase these past two weeks. I have finished six quilts this month. I have about six more in mind for next month.

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