Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Village #1 Lessons Learned

This piece began as an experiment. I'd used Elmers Glue Gel as a resist for painting with Setacolor paints in the past, but I'd not tried painting different colors within the resist lines before.

I was initially disappointed with the bleeding that occured, but after washing it out, I came to like the childlike appearance of this piece. I'd originally intended to give it depth with shading in the white lines, etc., but ultimately opted for a very simple approach. I kept the white lines and quilted sketchy double continuous lines within the white using a variegated black to gray to white polyester thread, which I think perfectly accents the style of the piece. The binding is a commercial black /gray polka dot.

I am calling this Village #1. I expect to explore this design approach further with additional pieces using the same or similar techniques.


  1. I love it. You were right to keep it simple and primitive. I've never used Elmer's glue as a resist. Does it all wash out? Might be easier to handle than the Gutta I usually use.

  2. I love everything about this piece. I would have assumed it was all deliberate if you hadn't stated otherwise. Very refreshing.

  3. I love your villages #1! I have used Elmers Glue Gel before and really like it as a resist. Can't wait to see village #2!

  4. i love it! It's so animated. Keep going....
