Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, April 30, 2007

Airus is One Year Old!

This very lucky one year old had two birthday parties!

Great grandparents - Grandma Marlys and Pa Paugh traveled from Coffee Creek for his first birthday party on Saturday evening.

Elizabeth baked a special cake for Airus. It was wheat, egg, dairy, soy, and sugar free. Airus LOVED it! Basically, it was made of organic applesauce, safflower oil, rice flour, maple syrup, egg replacer and cinnamon and cloves.

Airus enjoyed opening his packages. This one was from the Ward family - Aunt Kathy, Uncle Pat, Mitch, Molly, and Morgan. Thanks!

Airus had something to say about his gift. Nobody could understand it, though. He bumped his face earlier in the day, and had a little bit of bloody nose in this picture - plus cake on his face. Fortunately, the package held bath toys, which were utilized right after the party! He was in need of a bath!

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