Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Windows #1 - On the Design Wall

After doing all that surface design work for the last couple of weeks - I was yearning to do some piecing. There is something really comforting about the repetitive process of sewing pieces of fabric together and watching a design develop. Yesterday afternoon during Airus' nap, I played around with a few design possibilities. I started with the idea of a city landscape, and through a series of sketches - evolved toward the idea of just making a series of windows in random sizes with irregular seams. This was an idea I thought I could try out with a bunch of scraps and it was fun to sort through my scrap drawer for the appropriate fabrics.

This rusty orange hand dye that I used for the window frames happens to be one of the first pieces I dyed. Trying to get brown, I ended up with a dull orange. I had several yards of this stuff, and I think I have just used the last of it.

I think this piece would lend itself well to hand quilting with a contrasting color thread, but I am not sure I have the patience (or time) to do that right now. We'll see.

Anyway, that was my Saturday evening / Sunday morning project!

1 comment:

  1. I like it a lot. I am a big fan of anything wonky. The orange really sets off the different blues.
    We got the snow last night and now it looks a lot like your picture in the previous post around here.
