Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Windows #2 and #3

I've not had a great deal of time in the studio the past few days, but have been plugging away making these windows blocks, when I had a few free moments. I am exploring some design elements while working with this block. I started with the idea of working with complementary colors. I wanted to do something with a greater contrast in value than my first windows piece. I wanted to use dark values in blue, purple, and red for the frames, with light to medium values of yellow, green and orange for the panes. I started working very random and was going for a large final dimension, so did not try to control myself much while making these blocks. The whole design wall is covered and I only got through two of the color pairs.

When I got to the final color pairs - blue / orange - I decided to try working with specific dimensions in order to make it easier to sew together. I am not so sure I like this look better, although it is hard to tell because I laid these out on the card table, since the design wall is already covered.

I did two different arrangements. Neither thrills me, but maybe I will like the look better once they are put together. I'll probably move some things around before putting this one together.

I must admit the blue/orange piece does give the feeling of a busy city - which was the design idea I started with when I came up with the windows block concept. I think the Red-Green / Purple-Yellow one looks more "suburban".

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just wanted to tell you how much I like your window piece. When I was looking at it, my husband walked in and said WOW! And wow doesn't come frequently from him! I also like the gelatin print, just what one needs on a dark and dreary day. Hope you are feeling better.
