Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Montana Art Quilt Retreat - The first two days in review

Elaine screen prints using foil adhesive.

Here is Jan washing up after stamping and painting this smashing piece of fabric.

Karlyn painted a number of stunning pieces in warm vibrant shades.

Here is Elaine with a piece she painted with Setacolor textured with salt. She is using iridescent Paintsticks for the rubbings.

Friday afternoon, Karlyn and Elaine spreading their vinegar soaked fabrics with rusty objects for rust dyeing.

By Saturday afternoon, the fabric was dry, so the participants unwrapped it. Karlyn is opening her fabric dyed with concrete ties and Jan is removing spikes from hers.

Jan used a variety of objects for hers - tire chains, grid, spikes, rebar. Stay tuned to see the final results!

Shrimp cocktail was center stage for the Happy Hour snack.


  1. Have just stumbled onto your blog.

    Goodness! I'll be b-a-a-c-k!!!

    Great work Cynthia.
