Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, July 8, 2007

07-07-07 Yellowstone Park Wedding

07-07-07 was a very popular wedding date. We were fortunate to be in attendance at a beautiful wedding in Yellowstone National Park.

Here is the chapel at Mammoth Hot Springs, where Joan and Chris were married yesterday. Joan and Chris both have a long history in Yellowstone. Joan currently teaches at the little school in Mammoth. Chris worked for the National Park Service in Yellowstone for many years, but is currently working at Grand Teton National Park.
Here is the happy couple, Chris and Joan Miller.

The reception was held at the home of good friends who are fortunate to live right across the road from the Mammoth Terraces. Here is the view of the Terraces from our table at the reception.

This group of friends all taught at Gardiner Elementary School (at the north entrance to Yellowstone Park) back in the early 1980's. We've stayed friends through the years, even though most of us moved away to live our lives elsewhere. That's me in the orange jacket (which I made of raw silk, hand dyed and screen printed).

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