Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Beartooth Fishing with Pablo

Pablo is my seven year old nephew who lives in New Haven, Connecticut. His parents bring the family to Montana every summer for a visit with family. Pablo's wish list for his summer visit to Montana included fishing and fossil hunting. We were happy to have the chance to try to accommodate him.

Weather in Billings has been hovering in the high 90's into 100's daily for the past three weeks or so. We considered our options and decided to take Pablo and Jorge on a camp out high in the Beartooth Mountains, where it would be cool. We knew we would be able to easily find a good place for Pablo to fish.

The cold rainy weather in the Beartooths took us by surprise. Several members of the party had failed to pack rain gear. Elizabeth and Airus donned a black plastic bag for the hike to the lake for fishing. We hiked about 1/2 mile from our camp site to Lower Sheepherder Lake.

Bundled in coats, hats and gloves, Pablo was still able to catch four nice Brooke trout for supper. He caught a fish on his first cast! Jorge caught three, but tossed one back and both the fish I caught were too small and had to go back in the lake.

Airus and Pablo slept well in the tent. The adults were all intermittently awake in the night because it rained constantly and some of us were getting wet!

It was a lot of fun. We can't wait to go back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you want to go back there again. The last picture's background is what one can call heaven. I envy you.
