Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, July 16, 2007


I am so happy to announce the opening of the Regional Studio Art Quilt Associates show, "Flow" on Friday, July 20. Yes, one of my quilts was juried into the show. I am very anxious to see this gallery, which specializes in textile art.

Here is the invitation!

Very exciting news! I think maybe Joe and I will drive down to Denver to take in the opening! I have been ill with a very nasty cold and have had a terrible case of laryngitis, but am starting to feel better, so I am optimistic about being able to go on Friday.

Our wedding anniversary is July 28, so we will just call this an early celebration. I hope to book a room at a bed and breakfast in Denver, then maybe we can drive home via Rocky Mountain National Park, which is on our list of places we want to visit together!

We have had a lot of stress the past 6 months or so and really need a break!

Hopefully, they will let me take pictures at the gallery to post on my blog!


  1. Congratulations on getting into the show and on your anniversary. Ours is July 25. Ours will be the 43rd. I hope you win first prize with your quilt.

  2. Have a wonderful time, you've sure worked hard and deserve a fantastic rest.

