Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Beartooth Llama Trek - 4th Afternoon

Thursday morning, we'd climbed high to Cloverleaf Lakes, where we had lunch. We followed the outlet back to our base camp at Spogen.

This route involved significant drops in elevation, which brought us alongside a series of falls, rockslides, and lakes.

In spring and early summer, these areas are flooded with rushing water. By mid-August, the water levels have receded greatly, leaving lush meadows, exposed expanses of rock, and it was possible for us to navigate without getting wet.

Rachel Lake, named by a good friend for his granddaughter.

This beautiful falls was adjacent to Rachel Lake.

Teri navigating the rock scramble between Rachel and Martin Lakes.

Jeanne on the rock scramble with Martin Lake in the background.

Wildflowers at Martin Lake.
This delicate white flower is Grass of Parnassus. Isn't it amazing?

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