Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Beartooth Llama Trip Pictures - Day 2

Our morning at Sunrise was lovely and clear. We had a leisurely breakfast, packed up camp and prepared the llamas for the hike to our next camp. Each person led a llama. The llamas have a specific order in which they travel, and I was leading Crowfoot (AKA Crow), who fell in at the end.

We happened to meet two hikers at this beautiful spot on the trail, and they were willing to take a group picture. Our party - from left to right are Poncho with Jeanne, Chico with Kathy, Crow with me, and Hobbit with Teri.

As we neared our destination, we passed within view of Martin and Wright Lakes.

Here is Spogen Falls, which is right on the lake. There is a stream leading from Wright Lake to Spogen. The elevation difference and rock formations make for a lovely waterfall.

We walked around to the lake and set up camp on the opposite shore with a nice view of the falls. This campsite offered more privacy and better grazing for the llamas.

This is the outlet from Spogen. This stream leads to Witcomb Lake. Kathy and I walked down to Witcomb, where we caught Brook trout at Witcomb for our second night's dinner.

By late afternoon, smoke from the Sylvan forest fire in Yellowstone Park started drifting into our area. This created breathing problems for all of us. It made for a beautiful sunset, though.

Dusk at Spogen Lake.

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