Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Book Challenge - Page 110, Line 9

Last January, members of my small art quit group (WAV) issued a challenge.
The challenge was to take a book, any book - open it to page 110, count down to line 9, and use that for inspiration for a quilt.

The book I selected is a college textbook published in 1915.
The title of the book is, "Irrigation Practice and Engineering, Volume 1"
This college textbook belonged to my grandfather, John C. Paugh. See his signature inside the cover below. The price is noted in the opposite corner. This book cost Grandpa $2.60.

Here is what I found on page 110. I was thrilled when I found these images on the page. Line 9 says, "Rectangular checks require more earthwork than contour checks, but"

I plan to use the graphic on page 110 as my additional inspiration. In preparation, I have painted and hand stamped a group of fabrics. I used green backgrounds (all hand dyed or painted with Setacolor) and created my own rubber stamps to represent the agricultural lines created in the soil by plowing, planting, and growing. I used a variety of colors on my stamps to represent various plant types - some of them in bloom stage.

Close up images of some of my fabrics.

What a joy it has been to be able to spend time in the studio today - the first time in six weeks! I am mostly catching up on paperwork and tidying up, but I have done a few creative things.

I need to get my studio ready for a visitor who is coming on Saturday. She is a historian from Montana State University. She is writing an essay on Montana women and quilts for a book that will be published by the Montana Historical Society Press on the historic quilt inventory of Montana. She is also doing a series of oral history interviews. Should be an interesting visit!

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