Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beartooth Weekend

Last weekend, Joe and I took Michelle to the Beartooths Mountains. She has been working for Americorps / Montana Conservation Corps this summer and has not had much opportunity for recreation. Although the weather was hot and sunny in Billings, by the time we reached the summit, a storm was moving across the mountains. This made for some really interesting light.

Saturday morning, we got an early start from our camp at Beartooth Lake. We climbed steadily all morning to reach Lonesome Lake, pictured above. It lies at the base of Lonesome Mountain, which we climbed a few years ago from the other side.
We fished our way down, stopping at each of the lakes along the way. Here is Michelle fishing at Horseshoe Lake.

We finally started catching fish at Claw Lake. Joe caught a couple of nice Lake trout. Michelle and I each caught several nice sized Brook trout.

As we left on Sunday, we paused for a look at Beartooth Butte. The trail we'd hiked the day before climbs from the base of the Beartooth Butte along the full length of it.

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