Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Primitive Hearts - Finally Done Sewing Buttons!

This is a whole cloth quilt. I scrawled out the primitive design with Elmers Glue Gel, then painted it with primary colors. I carved a special heart stamp, and stamped randomly with Lumiere paints. I printed out 1Corinthians 13, a love poem in Japanese, and the four types of love in Greek and made them into screens, which I printed in white.

Hand embroidery and buttons provide the final embellishments.

This quilt is unlike anything else I have ever made. In retrospect, I wish I had put a bit of planning into it. It might have turned out better, but at the same time, I really love working intuitively and wanted it to appear primitive and unplanned. I certainly accomplished that!


  1. It's a GREAT piece ! I love the unplanned part. It's vibrant and happy. Wonderful !

  2. IT's wonderful. I think the unplanned look in great. It's the best way to quilt in my books.

  3. this is beautiful!
    ummm, but you've been tagged. Please see my blog for details.

  4. What a contrast to "All Alone and Blue." It is filled with a childlike joy.
