Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, October 8, 2007

Surface Design at Montana Art Quilt Retreat - Fall 2007

One of the techniques included in the workshop is cutting rubber stamps from plumbers rubber gasket material. Here is Darleen cutting her stamps. Behind her on the wall are some of her pieces from the previous two days work.

This orange piece is Darleen's Setacolor painted Habotai silk that was placed over bubble wrap to dry.

Darleen stamped foil adhesive onto a hand dyed piece to obtain this lovely fabric.

Darleen's mulit-colored piece - many techniques were included on this complex piece.

Emilie's Habotai silk green piece was painted with Lumiere and Setacolor paints. She placed plastic lids on the surface, creating these wonderful circles.

Emilie's work, and a bit of Darleen's is hanging on the wall in the background here.

There was a lot of texture created on this piece due to the slow rate of drying and the amount of water on the fabric. Emilie had her fabric very wet, and it was chilly and damp the day she painted this piece.

Above, Emilie painted on cotton canvas, then followed with stamping.

Emilie painted this piece, then followed with screen printing.

This piece was painted with transparent paints, followed by stamping with Lumiere paints - done by Emilie

Phyllis painted on raw silk, then applied rock salt to achieve this lovely texture.

Plyllis used a variety of techniques on this piece including glue gel resist, cassava root resist, and stamping with an onion.

This lovely mulit-colored piece was painted with transparent paints, manipulated and salted. Done by Phyllis.


  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun and learned lots too. I really want to try gelatin printing. Thanks to your post, I now have some idea how to do it.
