Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, October 26, 2007

Windows #3

It has been really great having a couple of weeks in the studio. I've been able to finish a number of projects that were started last spring.

This is the third in my Windows series, and my favorite one so far. It is much larger than the others. 60 x 51". The first 6 hours of quilting were unpleasant, as I was not pleased with the way it was turning out, but that changed about half way through the process, and I began to enjoy it as it came together. Now I really like it. I had to wash it to remove the Crayola Washable Marker I used to mark it with and I think that improved it even more- the quilting really pops now!

I've had this extra time in the studio while we've waited for workmen to finish some things in the apartment we are renovating. Now that the workmen are clearing out, I will have to go to work. There is a gutted bathroom and kitchen to deal with, a lot of painting, and wood floors to refinish. I expect it will occupy all my time and suck up all my energy for the next couple of months.

Next week, after International Quilt Festival opens, I will post my 2007 Journal quilt, as well as my other pieces in the show.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog today, your work is fantastic. I love those oracle cards.
