Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trees as Insiration

"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."

This is the quote that inspired this small series, which will become holiday gifts. I started with this sketch book. All the screen prints are from photos I took of trees. I first screen printed about 1/4 of the pages with various images of trees.

The screen printed trees on the cover of the sketch book are from a photo I took along the Musselshell River last fall. Here is the original photo. I set my camera on black and white in anticipation that I would be making thermofax screens from my photos.

The evergreen cluster on this page is a photo I took this past summer in the Beartooth Mountains during the llama trek with three other quilters. Here is the original photo - a sunset on a smoky evening (forest fires).

Several pages were embellished with scraps of gelatin plate prints of leaves and decorative stitching was added to the page.

There were several small pieces left over, so I used them to make several post cards and a couple of note cards.

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