Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, January 14, 2008

This Week's Journal Pages

This has been a busy time for Joe and I. We are in the final stages of renovating the apartment and have been working long full days at the building. We haven't taken a day off in several weeks, but soon will be finished and can return to "normal life" - whatever that is . . . (I am hoping that means some uninterrupted time in the studio, for me)
I've been receiving newsletters from various businesses - printed on colored paper, thus the bold green, yellow, pink, and blue papers in this group of journal pages.
I made some new thermofax screens this week - two from Leonardo di Vinci's notebooks (the skeletons and the very familiar human proportions sketch in the first image) and one from a photo I took of decaying asphalt at my sister's place in New Haven, CT (green page above)
These two pages were not printed or stamped. The page on the left has a portion of a gelatin plate leaf print and the one on the right is the back of a paper painted with dye.

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