Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bright Spots

I caught this quick picture of Airus yesterday as he was leaving with his mother. His new hat came all the way from Paris via his Grandma K.

Last evening, Joe and I went out for the Art Walk. We had not attended lately, and there are a number of new additions to the gallery scene here in Billings, Montana. We usually just walk down Montana Avenue, and stop in at the galleries along that street, but this time, we drove around in order to reach some of the newer, more obscure galleries that are scattered around in older buildings. It was one of the better Art Walk experiences I have had. I was very interested in seeing some of the more casual gallery spaces around town.

I picked up this lovely bowl handmade by Rhett S. Moak of Black Tulip Potters. ( I have a thing for handmade pottery, especially bowls) It was deeply discounted on account of a slight irregularity on the top edge. Doesn't it look lovely here on my hand stamped cloth?

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