Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Color Jazzed Winter Day

About this time of year, the lack of color in the landscape really starts getting to me.
I decided to take matters into my own hands with some junk mail, paint, and stamps.

First, I taped 9 pieces of paper to my work table using masking tape. Then, I picked the brightest colors I could find in my paintbox and splashed them around with a big paintbrush. This really lifted my spirits. Notice how the print still shows through in some places in the detail picture below.

After that dried, I chose three of my hand cut rubber stamps and three darker colors - red, purple, and blue for the next layer.
I think I will just enjoy it in this state for a while. Nice and bright and colorful. I usually add another layer or two, but maybe not this time.


  1. Wow...those colors really "pop" on your black blog background (what a mouthful)! I love color too and even though I live in So Cal where it's much sunnier than Montana, I find I need bright splashes of color to brighten my day also! Thanks for my jolt today!

  2. I love these colors and the shadow patterns under (over?) them!
