Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Geometry Revisited

I thought of a name for this quilt as I was quilting it. Geometry Revisited. The quilting is finished, except for the border, which I will finish next time I have a spare hour or two. I did some digging through my button boxes, checking to see whether or not I need to shop for buttons next time I go to town. I think these black ones do nicely for the centers. I had an idea to put some small white shirt buttons along the seams between the blocks, but instead, I couched a hand dyed velour yarn along the block seams, which nicely breaks up that too large expanse of black. I had about 3 inches left when I finished the couching. At one point, I was offering hand dyed yarns for sale. I have a small box of them left and this rayon one was the only one in this colorway.

I enjoyed stitching on this piece. It was very interesting have a chance to really examine the textures created by the hand cut stamp. . . . sort of like studying the lines on your fingertips up close . . . it entertained me greatly, which is nice because sometimes the quilting becomes a bit tedious for me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really drawn to your work...the colors, I think. They're vibrant and alive!! Really gorgeous quilt!

