Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Using up the Dye

I had some dye leftover from the tie dye projects with our houseguests.
My dyed scarf inventory is very depleted, as well, so I took a little time to remedy that situation.
This ori-nui shibori pattern is a favorite, and I enjoy mixing colors directly on the silk. It is a bit tedious, but I think it is worth the extra effort.

These scarves sell for $50. Just last week, I got a phone call from a regular customer who lives about 150 miles away. I selected several I thought might work for her and sent them off via snail mail. She will shop at home and send them back with a check for those she decides to keep. She wanted something specific for a banquet she will be attending next weekend.


  1. Hi Cynthia.These scarves are sooo lovely. Such vibrant and glorious colours.Total antidote to the miserable and gloomy weather we`ve been having.I have one small piece of silk i`ve been "saving"for a special project but what a stupid idea that is when you think of it.The projects somehow have never been special enough(in my frugal mind) so my piece of silk might be lying there till doomsday.Now I am going to use it! I am going to dye me a piece of summer immediatly.Just for my own pleasure, for lifting the spirits.Thanks for the inspiration,Donata

  2. Oh what yummy eye candy! I haven't dyed anything pretty lately, it's all been weird experimental stuff.
