Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, March 8, 2008


In January, I was so inspired by the beauty of the naked branches juxtaposed against the bright white snow. I took a lot of photos of branches and converted several into silk screens, which I printed in winter colors ranging from white to black. While I was printing, I had a vague idea that these would be backgrounds for a pieced image that continued the branch theme. These pieces have been out ever since I printed them.

Sometimes my ideas are not fully developed when I begin. When that is the case, the design wall is a very important tool for my process. Often, when I hang components on the wall and just live with them for a while, the design idea seems to appear in my mind later at some random point in time. Maybe I will suddenly know what I want to do next in the midst of some other project - or I might wake up one morning with a complete vision. The best revelations come when I am not consciously seeking them - when they seem to come from the unconscious.

I've also cut several new stamps, and these two newly printed fabrics are also hanging on my design wall. Waiting for a clearer mental image before I cut into them.

I've been pretty much laid up with a very bad virus. It has really knocked me out and I am not recovering very quickly. I've not gotten much done in the studio recently.


  1. Hi, Cynthia. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather! I like your comments about the design wall... I just put one up yesterday so I could stop putting thumb tack holes in the wall! It's small, so I may put up another one elsewhere, but it has helped me already. Hope you feel better soon!


  2. Hi Cynthia, sorry to hear that you have been hit by the bug aswell.Take your time to recover properly because it is a nasty creature.I totally agree with your thoughts on the design wall.It almost works subconciously .You walk past your pieces for weeks and all of a sudden things start to bubble in your mind and you`ve solved the problem.Wishing you a speedy return to good health,Donata
