Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cape Elizabeth

Our Northwestern visits almost always include a trip to the family property on the Pacific Coast. It is an extremely remote and isolated place, but well worth the investment of time and energy for us. We always have the entire stretch of coastline to ourselves.

A favorite beach walk takes us south to Turtle Island - also known as Elephant Island. Here, the Raft River reaches the ocean. This island has an enormous cave carved out by the waves (pictured above). The river changes its course frequently, and since the tide was coming in and the river was heading north, we were not able to enter the cave this trip.

We were fortunate to catch sight of a pair of bald eagles perched high in the trees on the island, though.

The erosion of the coastline is really evident and interesting to see. Our property lies atop the high bench. The erosion takes its toll. Each year, some of it is eroded away.

I enjoy the lush rainforest vegetation.

These are pictures of the road into the property. Primitive rainforest threatens to overtake the roadway, which barely has room for a single vehicle to pass.

The Scotch Broom was in heavy bloom everywhere we went. I have never seen such a show! This plant is a non-native species, brought to the US by someone hoping to eliminate erosion. It has taken over many places!

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