Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, September 12, 2008

Beartooth Backpacking Day 2

We awoke to a beautiful clear morning and I climbed to a ridge above our campsite to enjoy my breakfast in the sunshine (our camp remained in the shadow of the mountain until 9 AM). Did I mention that we brought our dog, Cookie along on this trip?

We hoped to traverse around Lonesome Peak to the opposite side. There is no trail, so we were maneuvering through rock slides, snow, crevices, and swampy run off areas. It was an adventure and a workout.

The view was spectacular. The picture above shows a view down to Abandoned Lake from partway up Lonesome Peak. We'd just climbed the rocks in the foreground.

Behind Joe, is a spectacular view of Beartooth Butte.
In this view, Pilot and Index Peaks appear in the background behind me.

This particular rock scramble was so steep I ended up scooting on my rear partway. I just couldn't keep my balance.

Several times, we crossed big snow patches. There was fresh snow over last year's snow bank.

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