Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blog Neglect

Blog neglect. I am guilty. My excuse? The time of year. There has just been so much going on!

The month of August into early September is my most cherished time of year. I remember back into my teen years when I knew summer was ending and freedom was coming to an end with the impending school year. I would sit alone in the back yard watching the sunsets and trying to memorize them.

This is the best time of year for most outdoor activities in the mountain west. The weather is still warm, but usually the bugs are gone. We had planned on taking a backpacking trip this weekend, but cool weather moved in over Labor Day and has remained with us. They were calling for snow in the Beartooths last night and into today.

We have delayed our trip and the weather promises to warm up a bit early next week. Hopefully, by Monday, the sun will come out and we will get into the mountains.

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