Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal Quilt Project II: Elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire

The International Quilt Festival in Houston is opening this week. My entry in the 2008 Journal Quilt Project was accepted, so will be displayed with the others at that show.
We are asked not to show our entries before the show, but now that IQF has opened, it's OK to publish it.

I've been working on a series in which I attempt to use a hand cut rubber stamp to convey an idea or impression when printed on fabric - a very simple idea - rather challenging to execute.

As I thought about the theme - Elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire - I sketched some lines that might be interesting as a printing block. In doing so, I realized that the same lines could convey each of the elements depending on orientation and color. This particular piece includes only three of the four elements - Fire, Earth, and Water - which is the title of this piece.

My embellishments are meant to continue the idea that where the elements meet - something tangible is created with the two elements. I've stitched stone chips between the fire and earth elements and seashells between the earth and water elements.

I feel very fortunate to have my piece accepted into the exhibit. There were a lot of entries.


  1. It's a pleasure getting to see this piece as well as the others you sent to Houston. Very high concept - the similarity of depiction of things which are so different.

  2. I've just come across your work from Liz Plummer's blog. I love everything I've seen so far! I'm intrigued by your idea of using the same stamp to represent the different elements. It creates a connection that I've never noticed before. Your work is incredible!
