Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stay at Home Artist Retreat

Joe left on Sunday morning for a week of bird hunting with his brother in central Montana.

This means I have been alone with my art for three days. It has been a very productive time with a good flow of ideas and rapid progress on multiple pieces. No need to stop to cook dinner. I don't even have to think about food if I don't want to. No distractions. Only my own inner voice to listen to - and it seems to want to be heard.

Even NPR has lost its appeal - this week they are fundraising and I can't bear to listen to the announcers ramble aimlessly as they try to attract pledges.

I'm not saying I would want this much quiet in my life always. It is just a really nice autumn respite for me and I am enjoying it.

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