Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, January 23, 2009

Growth Thru Art

I was invited in as a guest artist at Growth Thru Art. The spacious art studio is located in downtown Billings and is sponsored by the Human Resource Council. Morning and afternoon open studios are held four days a week, and many disabled adults from the community regularly visit during their scheduled session. Some come daily, others twice a week.

Most of these artists arrived by special transit. Many needed assistance holding the paintbrushes, etc. After I gave my instructions, they all seemed to have very clear ideas about what they wanted to do. Above, Susan and Carl really got into the project.

I provided Setacolor paints in primary colors (diluted 50% with water), cotton fabric, and foam board foundations for a worksurface. After painting, they had the option of adding salt or crumpling up the fabric to create texture. The girl in the foreground (above) is Jessie.

Bill (above) and Arys (below). They loved having their picture taken.

I went in two afternoons to work with two different groups. Next week, the artists will be able to see their finished work. After that, I will bring the fabric home and make it into something for their fundraising auction in November.

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