Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, March 28, 2009

South Fork Road - Shoshone River,Wyoming

Shoshone National ForestA winter storm had just whitened the area, but the temperatures were warming, and the roads were clear.

We'd gone to Cody for my quilt talk with the local guild, and since we stayed overnight, we puttered around the area the next day to celebrate Joe's birthday.

We drove all the way to the end of the South Fork Road. Wow! What spectacular beauty!

I can't wait to go back again sometime in the spring when things are green and blooming and the water is rushing!

The bighorn sheep are protected in this area. We happened to see these along the road. I just took these pictures out the window of the car.

There were quite a few in this group - maybe 20 or so.

A single adult buck with a lot of ewes and yearlings.

We watched a small herd of elk grazing on a hillside.

What a great view!

I know - too many elk pictures, but I could not decide which was best! Again, all the pictures of animals were taken out the car window.

We saw flocks of these beautiful Mountain Bluebirds. They don't stay still for very long, so I had a hard time photographing them!


  1. Thank you for all the mountain photos and elk! I feel like I have been on vacation! It's been a long time since I have been to that part of the country, but it is definitely one of my favorites, and I have never been there in winter, so this was a treat!

  2. Hi Cynthia - Beautiful photos! My uncle lives about 7 miles into the South Fork, back up against the Buffalo Bill Reservoir. I have some similar snow pictures from when we were there last year - late winter! My husband leaves for Cody at the end of April and I'm joining him in late May after the SAQA conference in Ohio...are you going? Maybe we can meet up sometime. Aloha! Dianna
