Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chickadee Spring

Speaking of Gelatin Plate Prints with plant material . . . . I am happy to share this piece, which is featured in the "Celebrate Spring!" show at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago!

The blocks are a group of gelatin plate prints I made last spring when the leaves were just emerging here in Montana. I tried to capture that lovely new spring green color and used leaves from the chokecherry trees off my patio, where I watch the birds at my feeders.

The border and twig fabric was painted, then block printed.


  1. I seen your quilts in the Chicago show yesterday. They were great to see in person! I tried the glue resist but haven't washed it out yet. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful! We ahve Chickadees at our feeders too and I love watching them. This is a great tribute to them.

  3. WONDERFUL ! I love the quilt, the design, the colours...Fantastic. Kiss from France

  4. Cynthia.. this quilt looked beautiful in the show...
