Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Clown Birthday Party - 3 Years Old!

A Couple of Clowns!

Airus turned 3 this week and he has been fascinated by clowns for a couple of years.
He wanted a clown birthday party, so Elizabeth tried to hire a clown for his party.
However, every clown in town was booked!
Guess who volunteered to be the birthday clown?

We had a mad scramble to create a clown costume in 1 day. We found these enormous bib overalls at Goodwill. Perfect. The patches are fabric left over from the clown suit I made for Airus last fall for Halloween.

A little ways into the party, Airus asked to put on his clown costume, too.

As the party wore on . . . Airus started borrowing props from Grandpa Joe's costume.

It was a beautiful spring day so much of the party took place on the front lawn.

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