Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fiber Expressions Curator / WAV gift

Our small art quilt group - WAV has been together since July 2004. Our first official group show was held last January and I acted as curator - organizing all the details. I have also taken a fair amount of responsibility for the group through the years, always making sure there was a meeting place and that everyone was notified in advance.

We met last Sunday, and I received this most precious surprise - a group gift acknowledging my contributions to the success of the group!

I have never seen such an interesting book design before! Beautifully constructed by Kathy Hammond!

Individual pages were created by each person involved with the Fiber Expressions show - including the curator of the gallery! What a treasure!

I had chills when I opened the book to see each unique, personal, and meaningful page!

Isn't this amazing?

Each page is a 6" square.

Here it is all opened up! Isn't it amazing? It measures 84" in length.


  1. Cynthia,
    what a wonderful keepsake! The WAV group did a wonderful job and such a unique book to boot!!

  2. That is soooo cool! and it is very well deserved. you do a great job!
