Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More New Printing Blocks

I have been inspired by my research into the work of Henri Matisse. He was an artist after my own heart! He started out to be a lawyer, but he discovered painting as a pastime during an illness. When he recovered, he decided to become an artist instead of a lawyer.

He worked experimentally throughout his long career. His focus was always on color. He died just a few years before I was born, and was still creating art into his 90's. As he grew older, he found detailed painting a challenge, so he began cutting paper he had painted and pasting bold shapes onto a painted canvas. Also, he started making prints or serigraphs.

Some of his most popular works are these abstract expressionist works done late in life.

These printing blocks were inspired by some of Matisse's later works, which featured free form shapes.
I recently ordered a lot of rubber gasket material online. I was disappointed when it arrived - it is about half as thick as the product I usually use. However, I discovered that it is super easy to cut with scissors - so I've done just that - random primitive shape cutting inspired by Matisse's work.

I dug through my scrap drawer to find a wide variety of fabric colors for backgrounds. Below is a grouping of random individual prints I did. I stuck them up on the design wall. I will have to play around with them for a while to come up with an arrangement I am satisfied with.

I printed enough to do a series! So this is a beginning . . . .
This piece has already been stitched together . . . more will be added later, I am sure - probably a background or border and binding..
Right now this piece measure 15" x 80"!


  1. great! what a good idea! I love watching your work evolve lyle

  2. I just wondered how you make your printing blocks. Is it a molding type of substance that you can press leaves into mounted on a block. Where do you purchase the stuff?

    Love your work!
