Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, June 26, 2009

Red Rock National Wildlife Reserve

We arrived in West Yellowstone last night, so we had the entire day to spend taking in the local scenery before the rehearsal dinner tonight. It was cloudy and drippy this morning, so we decided on a road trip instead of a hike.

Looking at the map, we thought we could do a loop into Idaho and to Red Rock National Wildlife Reserve. This appeared to be a paved road, but it is actually a rather rough gravel road up over a mountain pass - about 20 miles into an expansive mountain valley.

Although I grew up just about 100 miles away from this Wildlife Reservation, I had never heard of it before! The focus of this region is bird habitat. We saw lots of Mountain Bluebirds, some swans, and crows.

There were still some small patches of snow near the road.

But the wildflowers were spectacular!

Wild iris covered the hillsides in certain areas.

The Upper Red Rock Lake seemed rather shallow, but I can see how it would be a special habitat for water birds.

The mosquitoes were swarming when we stepped out of the car to shoot pictures!

More about this road trip later!

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