Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Indigo Love

The texture created by irregularities and manipulation with the indigo are very exciting to me.
It has certainly exceeded my expectations. This is the cotton bog jacket I showed you earlier - now it has been dyed and washed out . . . . and ironed. Love it.

(Please forgive the inconsistencies in color in my images. I am just not up to messing around with the color on all these shots. Not sure why I am getting such variation - same camera, lights, etc.!)

I am really pleased with these three scarves, as well. I am going to have to do more!

I checked the vat this morning - it is still active. Now that I know how it all works - I can continue with confidence.


  1. Love your results! I could see that jacket with all kinds of different clothes. Nice.

  2. Fantastic results, Cynthia. Makes me want to haul out the vat, myself!
