Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, August 21, 2009

Beartooth Mountains - Albino Lake

Along the Trail
By early afternoon, we were ready to head back to the trailhead.

A parting shot at Golden Lake. (below)

Then, up over the saddle. We filtered some water from the snowmelt along the way.
Albino Lake comes into view.

The wildflowers along the lakeshore were spectacular. In the picture below, you can see the saddle we went over to get from Albino to Jasper.

We stopped and fished Albino for 30 minutes. It was really fun because the water was clear and deep and the sun was shining, allowing us to see into the depths and watch the large cutthroat trout following our lures and lunge at our flies. They weren't really hungry, but what fun to watch! We felt as if we were looking into an aquarium!

A last view at Albino before we dropped down out of view. Notice Lonesome Mountain in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks for sharing these spectacular shots of your hikes in Montana! I've never been there, but would love to go someday. The scenery is beautiful, and you must be in fantastic shape! And I love the photos of the mountain goat. One of more of these shots would be great subject matter for a quilt.

    Have fun hiking under the big sky!

    Kristin F. in SC

    P.S. Found your blog awhile back from Vicki Welsh, Field Trips in Fiber.
