Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, August 31, 2009

Beartooth Mountains - Dayhike on The Beaten Path

Lake at Falls
We were delighted when we rounded a corner to catch our first sight of Lake at Falls.
We'd climbed 2 miles from Rainbow to an elevation of 8,100 feet.

The waterfall inlet (center - click to see an enlarged image) plunges down the mountainside from Martin Lake at 9,100 feet on the ledge above.
This flower was prolific along the trail near Lake at Falls. I was not familiar with it, but it is called "Large Flowered Brickle Bush".
Onward and upward!


  1. Every day I see your photos, show them to my husband and say "I want to live there!"

  2. what beautiful scenery !!! i just love the mountains !
