Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Beartooths - Fishing with Airus

We took our 3 year old grandson, Airus on his first fishing outing one day last week.
His daycare was closed so we were babysitting. It was a perfect opportunity to try out his new fishing pole.
It was partly cloudy and we had a brief shower (while the sun was shining!)
There was a small family of ducks hanging around. They were very friendly.

Airus was really interested in the worms.

He was game for holding the fishing pole and winding the line in.
But he was a little afraid of the fish when they got too close or started flailing around.

Greenough Lake is a small pond, really - it is about 1/4 mile walk from the parking area, and they stock it 4 times per year, so there are plenty of fish to catch. We caught a fish on every cast.

Airus' first fish - this tiny thing - was his favorite. He loved holding and petting it. He was so interested in examining all it's parts, etc.

There were a lot of dragonflies at the lake. They won't let you get too close, but I have a new camera that zoomed in very nicely! I was probably about 5' away from this when I zoomed in. My new Nikon Coolpix S560 takes awesome pictures for a pocket camera! I chose it, in part for the 5X zoom.


  1. Fishing with a grand baby or pictures of dragonflies? Gee what a tough life! You are having a magic summer! I am so looking forward to Summer, Indigo pot waiting!

    From cold, wet,windy and snowy Hobart Tamania

  2. If that first picture isn't a quilt, I don't know what is!
