Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ikea Sofa Conversion

Believe it or not, this Ikea sofa was a natural canvas just one week ago.
Last summer, when daughter Michelle moved to Missoula for school, we found this sofa at a garage sale while looking to furnish her apartment. When she left for Hawaii last winter, I brought it home to Billings with the idea I might paint it and put it in my art gallery.

But then, the economic downturn took its toll on the gallery and it has been just sitting in my workshop for several months with noplace to call home.

This summer, my other daughter, Elizabeth, bought a house and when she was unable to find furniture she liked, I offered the sofa.

Elizabeth is a naturally talented painter, and a practicing Buddhist. She carefully selected imagery to reflect her lifestyle.

It will be going away to her house soon.