Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Other Creative Projects . . . .

Here is the new creative project that has taken over my life and kept me out of the studio for days on end.

This summer, my daughter purchased her first home. With the $8000 First Time Home Buyers Stimulus cash - we are adding a new master suite above the garage, which had been built with a flat roof. Joe, Elizabeth, and I spent much of a week jacking up the slight slope of the roof (had just enough to drain water) and removing the eaves on the north and east sides of the garage. Then, we started building the walls of the addition.

I am acting as architect and general contractor for the addition to this house - originally built the year I was born! Not to mention laborer (although with a broken arm just healed, I am not doing much heavy work - just most of the thinking and planning!). I have designed and built a number of other homes and structures in my life. I have always found it enjoyable. I happen to have a gift for it - a natural aptitude - which is supplemented with a good basic manual of guidelines for construction.

I am especially pleased that the city of Billings issued our building permit based on my simple graph paper drawings (and even praised them!). The building inspector has been out twice already and is very supportive and helpful (I'd heard numerous horror stories from other do-it-yourself folks about the permit and inspection process.)

So, anyway, that's what's going on with me. A lot of pressure right now to get it enclosed before the snow flies!