Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, October 2, 2009

Yellowstone Quilt Fest

Yellowstone Quilt Fest in Cody, Wyoming is an annual event. My entries this year received two awards - a first place for Art - Pictorial - awarded to my fish piece called "Crystal Lake"

And a Second Place for "Graffiti City". Both of these quilts are constructed of fabrics that I painted using Setacolor fabric paints. Graffiti City is a whole cloth piece with Glue Gel Resist and block printing.

My compliments to the organizers of this fine event. The show was terrific and the vendors were wonderful!

I am a bit behind getting this posted - the event took place in September.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your quilts were outstanding as always and the the show was fantastic. The vendors were outstanding.
    I'm so glad Kathi and Jeanne are back. It showed.
    Congratulations on your wins!

  3. Congratualations on your wins! I remember when you were making your Graffitti City quilt and had questions you let us have input into on your blog.
