Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Legend Rock Petroglyphs

The rock art here is very low to the ground - within easy reach. Someone has defaced this wonderful elk image with a lot of scratches to the right.

This one is rather faint, but I like the image - which looks like a canine to me.

Joe and I pondered the possible reason for this particular location for all this rock art. One reason may have been this creek, which flows nearby. Perhaps in ancient times, it was much larger. Nevertheless, the cliffs do provide some shelter, and water was flowing even this late in the year (November).

We enjoyed walking along the creek, as well.


  1. This looks like a most interesting place. My husband and I are now thinking we have to go there soon. Will there be lots of snow there in Feb and March? Or would we be better to wait until spring?

  2. Funny, I looked at your canine and saw a pronghorn! I too love petroglyphs...thanks for sharing these.
