Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thermofax Screen Printing - Vision Quest

I've done the final screen printing of petroglyphs from Legend Rock.

This piece I am calling "Vision Quest". I used color and levels to convey the three different types of petroglyphs - "Sky People", "Ground People". and "Water People".


  1. Pretty fascinating. I chuckled at the close-up of the green guy - I remember your photo of that petroglyph. It reminded me of some cartoon character that I can't put my finger on. Nice to see the influences and then how they make their way into the finished work.

  2. These are really wonderful,thanks for sharing your creative process.

  3. Wow! What absolutely awesome work you have done on this piece. I loved the idea and watching your process has been fascinating. I like how the block prints and the screening enhance and expand the ideas.

  4. I really love how you translated the petroglyphs to cloth.

  5. Aho my Cover Girl, I love you and will come take a look when I can, added you to my igoogle page. Blankets are always needed for the Great Give-A-Way. And will share your art with others. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman
