Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

YAM Art Auction

Yellowstone Art Museum Auction

This is a very big deal for me!
For the first time ever, (well, actually this is the first time I have entered) - but my entry,
Sticks and Stones -
was accepted!
This is a really significant career milestone!
This auction is very prestigious for the city and state.I do not know of any textile art included in this prestigious event in the past - and certainly this is something unique - all discharged cotton and hand stitched, embellished with sticks and stones.
There were over 500 entries!

Anyway, when I delivered my piece - the response was really gratifying.
People were not responding for my benefit (they didn't know I was there!)
There was a lot of oohing and ahhing!
What a thrill!

I have this piece mounted on mat board and framed in shadow box style behind museum quality glass.
The opening reception is January 28, 2010
The party and auction take place3 on March 6, 2010.
I'll be sharing more as those events come about.


  1. Congratulations, good for you! It's a stunning piece.

  2. Congrats! That is HUGE!!! It is very well deserved as that piece is awesome.

  3. wonderful piece, congratulations

  4. Gorgeous - one of those pieces you see and then you think "wish I'd made that".

  5. WooHoo - a big congrats! A very dramatic piece to be sure - how nice that it was properly appreciated!
