Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Screen Printed Fossil Fabric

Here are some more of the pieces I have screen printed with fossil images.


  1. I am so liking what I see!

    Gee - I don't think I've been concentrating - are they lino prints?

    What ever they are they are so inspirational! I think your translation from rock face to fabric (oh, is it fabric or paper) is brilliant!

    Thanks for the kick to get the tools out again!


    Sally in Hobart

  2. These are wonderful! I really love the shells, but the fish are beautiful as well! Have you tried screening on paper with these? They could make beautiful note cards...

  3. I really like this series and am so glad I decided to stop by for a visit today. Am going to the ETSY store later (after I finish my posting chores) to check to see what if any of these are for sale and the sizes, etc.

    Meantime... am making my way around blogs I follow today to warn everyone to watch out for this guy: 打麻將 ... he posts to blogs with links to porn embedded in a long string of ....... following a short comment. As a result of his trash hitting my blog, I've turned on comment moderation which means no comment appears UNLESS I bless it first. (he's tried twice since my turning on comment moderation to post again to my blog... and I saw him on a friend's blog this morning so warned her to delete the trashy comment ASAP)

  4. Great fossil fabric! Inspiring. I am a studying geologist and my favorite hobby is sewing. I would like to know if your fossil fabric is for sale, I am mostly intrigued by the Ammonite Shells. Nice designs! (If they are for sale please respond with the store or website, thanks)
