Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Last Shots - My Iris Blooms!

In spite of some really extreme weather, my iris have bloomed bigger and better and longer than ever in the 7 years we have lived here.

The blooms are fading now. Thanks for hanging in there while I indulge my iris passion. On to something different!


  1. Iris are my favorite flowers and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your photos!

  2. I just love irises!!! :) :) :)

    viv in (wintery)nz

  3. How awesome - you have a fantastic garden - I would spend every day taking photos of these fantastic blooms!! Jealous !! especially these last ones

  4. What an absolutely lovely iris garden! All thse different colors - it must be wonderful just to see them thru your windows or sit on the patio and look at them. Thanks for sharing.
