Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Zoo Montana

I recently visited Zoo Montana with my niece and step-grand daughter.
We were fortunate to get a great view of the bear!

Enjoying it's bone.

This was our best viewing at the zoo. I counted just 7 animals we saw outside, although we viewed at least a dozen small rodents and reptiles inside. We were disappointed that we did not see the otters, wolverine, porcupine, deer, etc. - as they were all being kept inside during our visit!

1 comment:

  1. A little warm maybe?

    Remember my first visit to a zoo - I was 12 and the only animals showing any life were a bunch of coloured mice :) There were glimpses of other animals but it was really hot. I had to wait another 20 years before being close enough to visit another zoo!

    viv in nz
