Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Rock Lake - Beartooth Mountains

One of my goals is to see and photograph as many lakes in the Beartooth Mountains as I possibly can (before I get too decrepit to do the hikes). As I research these areas, I discover that there really is not much information available online regarding these trails in the Beartooth Mountains.

Here is a view of Thunder Mountain from the opposite side. First Rock Lake in the foreground.

After we set up our camp at Keyser Brown, we still had energy and some daylight, and I was hoping we could get to First Rock and Second Rock Lakes and back to camp before dark.
There is no official trail and we ended up following cairns that took us through some big boulder fields and downed timber. Even though it was only about a mile from our camp to the far end of First Rock Lake, it was far enough for me.
We took a break here, and watched the fish jumping. It was very entertaining. The small Brookies were jumping completely out of the water. This small lake seemed to be overloaded with hungry trout.
There is one very nice campsite at First Rock Lake. The rest of the area around the lake is steep, swampy and, as the name suggests - rocky.

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