Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mount Lockhart

After reaching Sundance Pass at 11037 feet, we noticed how easy it would be to walk up Mount Lockhart, which is 11647 feet. Personally, I was not up for it, but Joe could not resist checking it out. The picture above shows Mount Lockhart with Whitetail Peak behind it.
I stayed behind at the pass and took pictures of his progress up the slope. Below, you can see him at the top!

Joe took these two pictures from Mount Lockhart. Above, the view down the Lake Fork of Rock Creek valley, where we came from - with a little bit of September Morn Lake visible.
Below, a view of Sundance Pass, looking off toward Silver Run Peak. Notice the switchbacks descending on either side of the pass.

Here is another picture of Mount Lockhart - taken from the trail before September Morn Lake. It is interesting to see it from this vantage point for comparison.

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